Thursday, September 13, 2007

Baby Hats!

On our voyage to and from Seattle, WA my mom and I were knitting like mad to make these precious baby hats! I swear, you knit one, and you just can't stop! Originally, my mom made a hat to go with her baby shower gift for Heidi & Doug, then started on another at the beginning of the trip. She had extra needles and yarn, so I took up trying one out too. I finished the brown one on the trip and the white a last night.

These two are for 2 friends who are both having girls. I wanted to put some pink ribbon on the brown one to make it a little more feminine. Anyway, I'll get to it soon enough.

My next project, aside from another hat, is a baby sweater! It couldn't hurt to have all this baby stuff around anyway. I'm making the sweater in bright red. wish me luck!
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fiona said...

Those are so cute! I wish I could knit or crochet...Sari tried to help me get started crocheting, it didn't quite take...I did make a couple of hats on the Knifty Knitter, that almost counts ;) I love the combination of brown and pink, good choice! hmmm...lots of baby-oriented posts popping up here...

Anonymous said...

I love knitting quick stuff too! Socks are my all time fav.

zachariah said... is the ribbon on the same to-do list with our painting?? :P