Saturday, September 15, 2007

the 10 year project - continues (progress)

Progress for day-1, yesterday.

The previous post on this project shows an 8 1/2 x 11 computer-sketch of this project. This is it, literally sketched out onto the canvas. You can't see, but it's in the garage, propped against a stack of tires. I am hoping to get a real live art studio in our next house. THAT would be a dream come true!

I've changed a few minor things that have produced a larger impact (to me). I remember when I had first drawn this out on my computer I wasn't too sure what I wanted to do with her arms and head-wrap. While sketching it onto the canvas I changed my mind from the picture according to how I felt it should be portrayed. Now she is holding the sun differently and her head-wrap is turning into clouds (which is hard to detect here). I see that her feet and lower legs are too short so that will need fixing. I also placed a lion up in front of her instead of down in the rumble of animals. It looks like a promising start!

By the way, for those of you who don't know, Zack and Fiona never went to Africa; they are now in Uruguay.... which still makes them way cool. haha.

Lastly, please do not ask me "what is going to go where?" and "what color...?" or "why did you do that?" kinds of questions. I'm a bugger when it comes to pre-painting (and I guess post-painting) inquiries and comments. If you don't like it, don't look at it. I don't mind comments, but I absolutely refuse to answer questions like that. No offense, but I tend to change some things as I go, as you can see already. To top it all off, I don't name my paintings so don't ask what it's about or what I named it. OK! :) Now that that's out of the way you think I'm a complete jerk about painting, believe me though... if you were in my shoes, you would understand.


zachariah said...

Wait... that color won't go with our living room... and what African tribe are you patterning her after??... hah, just joking! We didn't make it back to Africa yet, but we still plan on going, Uruguay is just a round about way of getting there.

Rochelle said...

I think I'll have to steal this painting from the garage...I do know the secret password to get in...heh heh heh....I'll add it to my collection I've already stolen...

Dan said...

You can't ship this painting for 2 years anyways, the paint has to dry.
And at 20 thousand feet in a plane, the paint will pop off.
So I have place all picked out for it anyways. We will story it for you.

zachariah said...

Look at y'all moving in on my painting! I'll send it by ship to protect the paint...