Friday, August 1, 2008

Montage of Droool

Dominic is so sweet at 3-months old.
He started drooling a few weeks back and boy is he talented! I mean, just look at that innocent face (above)! "Who Me?"

Then here (below) ... he knows it!
oh! there it goes...
...and bam! Down the chin and to the floor...
"But I'm sooo cute! Look at my soaked shirt!"

Droolmaster 2000!


fiona said...

What a great sequence of your little drooler! Funny, Bran would (and still kinda does) drool ALL the time, soaking his shirts, but Nuala hardly ever did...even while teething! Boys. I also really like the size/shape you made the photos, it's different and looks really good.

Molly said...

fiona - the picture shape is due to the new camera. An upgrade from our last Kodak EasyShare.

Rochelle said...

Way to make me want a new camera...jkng....he is cute!