Thursday, February 5, 2009

Family Networking

A lot of the family has started to appear on Facebook. I think this is great. We all have graduated from blogging to networking on FB. To me this is really exciting because we are now getting more of a back-and-forth communication with each other.

And.... For those of you who might be thinking that being on FB is going to be an entire ordeal of taking up more of your precious time... think again. Yes, getting initially set up with adding all the friends and family COULD take more than 5-minutes, but the long-term maintenance is pretty simple. I actually don't do much with my FB other than the occasional hi or hello via the public "wall". It is definitely a great way to quickly and easily communicate with the friends and family that I don't often (or never) call, email or see in person. Anyway, it's a good resource for quicker communication. It's nothing you have to do daily either.... so make an account, connect up with some of the fam and your friends you havn't seen in 10+ years and you will see what I mean.

NOTE: PLEASE don't be offended if I have or will ignore your action if you've sent me chocolates, hugged me, invited me to some game or other external FB application. I barely have time to make a blog post as it is. Although all those extra gadgets are funny. I find the "Birthday Calendar" and "Related To" to be nice enough apps. :D

1 comment:

Megan and Greg said...

I just got on this week. It is a lot cooler and more simple than I thought!