Friday, January 11, 2008

Inchworm: 24 weeks Updates: Inchworm is growing steadily, gaining about a quarter of a pound since last week, when he was just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long - picture an ear of corn (I like popcorn! errr...), that makes a pretty lean figure, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon put on more baby fat.
  • His skin is thin, translucent, and wrinkled.
  • His brain is growing rapidly.
  • His taste buds are developing.
  • His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance (that helps the air sacs inflate easily).
My Updates:

Let's see, life has been pretty chaotic lately. I'm back to trying to swing productivity for both jobs (day-job and then MollyBean has gotten pretty busy so it's a tricky balancing act. The holidays being over (which I never even posted about!) helps a ton. It was a lot of fun, but it's nice to start having life back. We go to the Running-Y Ranch & Resort this coming weekend for a lot of family fun! Snowshoeing here we come! No skiing or ice hockey this year.

Inchworm is as busy as ever, finding his new favorite corner each week (making me lopsided) and curling up in a ball there. He started "petting" my upper abdomen last week...with a foot or hand I do not know, but he was rubbing back and forth. It was pretty funny. I had a magazine/book rested on my tummy at one point and he made it jump. He's show'n off his tricks for mommy and daddy I suppose. He likes to "move furniture" or so John might call it, "Start Training" (for Triathlon's of course!) in the late afternoon (between 2pm - 4pm) then pick back up in the evening, but most evening movement is rolling around and I guess "rubbing mommy's belly". haha.

So the much awaited BELLY PHOTO are here!

We don't look so pregnant from behind (yet...?) Robyn grabbed a hunk of my butt at the last second! *lol*, then... trying to grab each other's belly... kinda worked, then we have the "pear" of us... so enjoy the roundness!!


fiona said...

Thanks for posting those pictures, y'all are so cute, and you both actually look pregnant finally!! That's funny that Inchworm rubs your belly, you should keep a watch for morse code, maybe he's trying to communicate. Again, cute pictures!!! and have fun snowshoeing, we're still swimming almost every day -- weird!

Rochelle said...

Those are great shots! I keep thinking of TWO ACTIVE grandsons coming to visit granny goose for a day...I have pirate ships with zip lines...giant sand areas with lots of water for sailing boats around trails with secret forts...etc...I think I'm going to have way to much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan said...

The belly's are filling out very nicely. The two of them together is really interesting to see how each grow and get bigger in different ways. So very cute.