Thursday, June 26, 2008

2 Month Stats

Height: 24 in. / 95th percentile
Weight: 12 lbs. 4 oz. / 75th percentile
Head: 15 1/4 in. / 50th percentile

Dominic is proportional but HUGE! Not the chubby, fat huge .... but the height!?? You would think his parents were tall or something. Granted my dad and bros are all tall.... but still. He is as big as Alex in height alone. Alex has a rounder belly and I think is still a smudge taller and a bit heavier. Do you think he'll pass him up? maybe!

Hopes for a hockey-player-son are so far so good! haha!
(NOTE: backdated post. Dominic is currently 3mos. old)

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