So back to entertainment of objects. Now that I can see him being entertained, I've had my eye open for some toys. We did buy a Johnny-Jump-Up because he LOVES to stand and holds his head and body up so well. He's just a tad too small and unstable for that yet (of course)... BUT I came across this Fischer Price Rainforest Jumparoo on craigslist. I picked it up for $45. It was bought in January this year and only used a couple of times. Her little girl didn't like it.
John re-assembled it this morning and we put Dom in it. HA-HA! He is not quite heavy enough for the shortest setting. I do realize that your baby is generally supposed to be 4-6mos before expecting them to use one of these. He was fairly entertained by the experience. I put some books under his feet so that he could stand easier (being 6 inches or so off the ground!).