Tuesday, April 15, 2008

fire station

This is our stop by the fire station in Central Point to get our carseat checked out.We learned a tip from the guy on how to position a carrier/car seat more efficiently so that you aren't straining your back, shoulders and arms. John's trying it out here (left). We thought we'd share this amazing trick. Anyone currently doing this?

We learned some other tips too:

  • Placing the carseat in the center is better than either passenger side. The baby will be in better shape with your car getting T-Boned and the seat should stay in pretty good shape if you get in a head-on collision.
  • Don't jam your front seats back against the carseat (the impreza has a shorter backseat area). The seat needs to be able to shift a little.
  • Do not ever have the carrier bar up while using the car seat in the car (even though the cute toys can be entertaining for baby, it's just not safe).
  • Don't bundle your kid up too much prior to belting in, it's safer to wrap warm things around them.
  • Do a sort of pinch test after belting in on baby's body straps. You should barely be able to pinch the belt up. Of course, keep all belts untangled at all times. ;)


fiona said...

Looks like John's got it down! That's it, y'all are officially ready to be parents ;) I hear ya about the shorter backseat area. With the carseats in the Forester our knees were practically in the dashboard. Getting our minivan was one of the happiest moments of my life. And one of Z's, though he had convinced himself it would never, EVER come to that, haha!

Rochelle said...

What do you do when you have two kids in car seats? They can't both be in the middle...this is really stumping me.

Sutherlands said...

Great tips! I can't wait for little Dominic to get here! Alexander is getting impatient :)
love, Robyn & Alex

Molly said...

For more than one kid...

If you have more than one kid, the fireman laughed and said that you're usually more willing to sacrafice your older kid for the younger so place the older kid on the outside seat.

Plus an older kid can handle injury better than a younger kid.
